Mark, Ashley, Hunter and Brigham

Est. March 2007


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Friday, October 14, 2011

Duck Hunting

We got up at 5:30 in the AM to head out to the marsh for the first day of Duck Hunting! There are few things that I wake up in the morning for and this is one of them! We packed all our gear onto our bikes and Hunter rode on the back of my bike! Riding bikes at 5 in the morning is very entertaining with your father in law! He was riding his bike but it was dark so he could not see (or remember) how to shift gears. For every One of my pedals he was doing about fifty! ha ha, I just laughed and told him he looked like a circus monkey! Then on the way home we were riding on a road through the grass- so there was a grassy median. Ideally you are supposed to stay in on track while riding but Dave went from one side to the other and back again, jumping the median every time. Although very entertaining to see, it was very difficult to follow:) Finally, I yelled, " what are you doing up there?!" And he kindly let me pass! So funny! Waking up is not one of my kindest times but it was worth it to watch the sun rise, It was a beautiful morning! Hunting Rules: You are not allowed to shoot until 7:30.... it is so funny watching the men get all sorts of antsy waiting to shoot! There are always those who shoot early and they get yelled at from everywhere by the other men. You can't see them because everyone is down in the brush, so it's like a bunch of angry bushes yelling:) I love going because Mark loves it and it makes me smile to see him get so excited! There was not very many ducks this year and needless to say that left a bunch of disgruntled Hunters:) But Mark go two and that is more than plenty in my opinion because whatever they shoot they bring home and like I said two is plenty! Great day with my boys! Thanks to Kathryn for spending the night so she could wake up with Brigs.